Christmas Shows

Christmas Shows

The Primary school treated us to not only one but two Christmas Shows this year. Together with our partner school, Highgate Primary, our Nursery and Reception children performed a hugely entertaining and charming Nativity play which the children acted, sung and signed with great confidence and energy and the audience appreciated it enormously.

Nativity 1

Nativity 2

Our older children in Years 1 to 6 also performed alongside their friends from Highgate Primary in ‘Scrooge – a ghost of a chance’. It was a triumph of a production which showed the talent and dedication we have at Blanche Nevile and demonstrated perfectly the wonderful inclusion we have at our school – the best of both worlds. The scenery, costumes, music and acting were unforgettable.

ok Highgate Scrooge NJS 15122017-1091

A huge thank you to all the staff, parents and of course, children involved.

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